Interior Light

Article first created: 5 May 2013


50-year-old light lens has quite literally crumbled away.

Bulb light was ‘poor’.


New bulb and cover required.


Replacement was easy:

  • Unscrew cover
    • Small crosshead screwdriver
  • Replace with new

Note: check and replace the super black bulb whilst in the the unit. The cat helped!

Figure: Interior Light Cover And Bulb


Approximate prices from: 5 May 2013 updated 19 May 2023 with bulb info

Bulb (found in shed)
More generally referred to as a festoon bulb
EL24Interior light lens estateClub spares£14
Parts List Table

My thanks to PaulT who left a comment advising me how to refer to the bulb.


2 responses to “Interior Light”

  1. Paul Townsend avatar
    Paul Townsend

    What detai have you for festoon bulb please

    1. Paul Cooper avatar
      Paul Cooper

      Hi Paul,

      I had a quick look on eBay, there are multiple bulb vendors.
      I would be tempted to try £2.86 on a LED type, but the light might be a bit harsh.


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